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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
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A search for 'All Hail King Julien' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
30 matches in composers
  1. Julien McKenzie
  2. Christophe Julien
  3. Julien Manaud
  4. Julien Chirol
  5. Julien Covey
  6. Julien Di Caro
  7. Julien Desabrais
  8. Julien Schultheis
  9. Julien Jaouen
  10. Julien Bellanger
  11. King D.
  12. Eva King
  13. Rob King
  14. E. King
  15. Peter King
  16. King Kanobby
  17. King Britt
  18. Roger King
  19. Kaki King
  20. Brian King
Show all 30 matching composers
5731 matches in tracks
  1. Hail to the king (01:05)
    from History Of War And Peace, A
  2. Sacrifice - Hail to the King (07:04)
    from King Kong
  3. Sacrifice - Hail to the King (07:10)
    from King Kong
  4. Sacrifice - Hail to the King (07:04)
    from King Kong
  5. Hail to Our Glorious King (00:00)
    from Raggedy Ann And Andy: A Musical Adventure
    The Loonies
  6. Hail, Hail Pottsylvania (00:44)
    from Adventures Of Rocky & Bullwinkle, The
  7. The King's Diary - The King's Finances - The King's English (02:56)
    from Young Bess
  8. The King's Diary - The King's Finances - The King's English (02:56)
    from Red House, The
  9. The King's Diary / The King's Finances / The King's English (03:01)
    from Young Bess
  10. The King's Diary / The King's Finances / The King's English (03:01)
    from Spectacular Film Music Of Miklos Rozsa, The Vol.3
  11. Julien (02:05)
    from Ami Parfait, Un
  12. Julien (02:05)
    from Terminale
  13. Julien (02:05)
    from Lacenaire
  14. Julien (02:05)
    from Bandes Originales Des Films De Francis Girod
  15. Julien (02:05)
    from Oncle De Russie, L'
  16. Julien (00:00)
    from Train, Le
  17. Julien (01:58)
    from Train, Le
  18. Julien (01:58)
    from Chat, Le
  19. Julien (01:58)
    from Veuve Couderc, La
  20. Julien (01:58)
    from Fils, Le
Show all 5731 matching tracks